Thursday, 23 April 2015

Bent Over Women

Years of labor take their toll - and they do so early
Women do 85 per cent of the work in Nepal.

Many men leave Nepal for jobs in other countries, leaving all the work to the women.
Since the women do the cooking, they are required to fetch the firewood and cut it. They also have to get the fodder if they are lucky enough to have animals like goats and buffalo.

They cook over an open fire, which is unhealthy for their lungs. In fact, more women die of lung cancer than men in Nepal.

There is no electricity—no washing machines or blenders or heaters for the cold nights.  They couldn't afford them even if there was power.

Young and old, all women work — which is one of the reasons girls are denied the pursuit of education.

And, after a lifetime of back-breaking work, many of the women wind up spending their advanced years walking bent over as if they were still carrying a heavy load on their backs.

Something to think about.

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